PHONE ORDERS - Tel.: (+34) 656 266 844You can call us and we will take your name and call you back to take your order so that you don't even have to spend money on the phone call. llamarnos. - Phone sales hours of operation: Monday-Friday 10:00-20:00 / Saturday 12:00-19:00. |
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WHATSAPP ORDERS - Tel.: (+34) 656 266 844You may place your order with WhatsApp if you have it on your smartphone. - WhatsApp sales hours of operation: Monday-Friday 10:00-20:00 / Saturday 12:00-19:00. (If you don't have WhatsApp and would like to install it, visit www.whatsapp.com on your smartphone). |
Please remember that in order to facilitate the taking of your order, it is very important that BEFORE you call us or send us a WhatsApp, you have written down the references of the products that you wish to order (with their corresponding sizes) and that you have on hand your credit card details (we accept VISA, MC or AMEX).